Retreat Alchemist



Luxury retreats & events co-created with intention, integrity & passion!

Let’s keep it real - Being a woman with

A BURNING DESIRE to build a legacy isn’t always sexy & FCKING LOVE & LIGHT

What if you don’t need to do all the things alone anymore?

What if YOU didn’t need to think of all the details?

What if you could just throw it out there, state what you want and let someone else take care of the stuff you don’t want to?

Melissa Dawn retreat facilitator and planner sitting on the ground looking up mirrored in image.

Do you dream of world-class support?

“She saw and heard my vision & pushed me towards it without apology.”

(yes that’s a quote from a client)

Not only can I see your dream - I can feel it.

I will partner with you and guide you into creating THE dream retreat.

Your business will expand with these added experiences as will your impact!

A big part of my manifestation process comes through putting myself in places I have never been - anchoring in what I desire more of by getting uncomfortable.

Let’s get edgy & put ourselves into places that give the inspiration to keep doing the damn thing!


Global Retreat Agency

Intuitive Strategist & Mentor

Champagne being poured into a glass at a retreat.

I’m Melissa Dawn

I work with coaches & healers who are ready to expand their impact

I learned what lights me up (and so many lessons) in my 10 years in property management creating experiences for people traveling to a ski town for their vacations.

Yup, that industry ate me up and spit me out - but I never got tired of connecting with people from all over the world. Making them feel at home in a space they just walked into and taking care of all the little details never got old.

Now I get to take the things I loved about that job and curate amazing experiences for you and your soul clients!!

WHAT? It’s a dream come true!

My love for surfing, slow mornings & lattes, and for the fine things in life is another reason I do what I do - when we create with aligned intention - the outcomes are spectacular!

My first retreat and it's SOLD OUT!

(not only that- I have a waitlist for the next one!)

Melissa, I cannot believe I am messaging you this - IT’S SOLD OUT! I really cannot put into words how I feel right now! Launching it on a spur-of-the-moment hope, then Christmas and New Year time-off, I was just hoping for the best - to sell out is just amazing!

I could not have done this without you! Knowing I had you there supporting me and our call just made the world of difference! I cannot thank you enough!

Best get your diary out - let's start planning the NEXT ONE!

~Hannah Walker

  • That fire, that desire, that lil' bit of dark in you is going to give you the extra push to do the hard things, to get up in the morning and keep going when it gets hard...

    …embrace all of it.

  • Getting on a dirt bike is my kinda' meditation...

    …and don’t even get me started on the energy that comes from hopping on a surfboard behind the Malibu

  • You are building a legacy, a future for your children, for you, for all those who are going to be impacted by your work.

    Who’s going to stop you?

  • We are all channels, we all have the ability to channel our higher wisdom.

    This is what I believe.

  • Lattes are my love language & a beautiful glass of wine companioned with deep delicious conversation lights me up

    Let’s talk about your dream, k?

Ready to pull out your notebook & make this dream a reality?